eBay recently announced that it will re-enter India following its breakup with Flipkart in May 2018, the Economic Times reported on February 1, 2019. The India government has imposed new guidelines for FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) on the e-commerce sector and the new guidelines which came into effect from February 1, 2019 have affected FDI-funded e-commerce companies, including Amazon. Such move is said to have a long-term negative effect on the FDI investment as well as Indian consumers as it would end discounts and cashback offers that those e-commerce platforms used to provide. Amazon entered India in 2004 and was acquired by Flipkart in 2017. For Amazon, the new rules have made its products disappear from the Indian e-commerce market. On top of that, this overnight change in FDI policies has caused concern amongst foreign companies which originally have plans to pour more investments in India and thus will likely to hamper FDI in India, especially in the e-commerce sector.