Asia Express
JOLED to Buy an OLED Plant from JDI for USD180 Million
June 29, 2018

To better compete with Korean rivals and emerging Chinese players, Japanese panel maker JOLED - the joint venture between Panasonic and Sony - recently announced that it will purchase a plant from JDI for 20 billion Yen (USD180.2 million; USD1 = 111 Yen) with an aim to mass produce OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) panels by 2020, the Tech News reported on June 27. On July 1, JOLED will set up a business branch in Nomi, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, in advance to get ready. this OLED plant is able to monthly produce 20,000 G5.5 (1,300×1,500mm) panels for medium-sized panel applications such as automotive and high-end monitors. In addition, JDI will increase the stake in JOLED from the current 15% to 20%, making it the second largest shareholder next to INCJ which has a 75% stake. In 2016, JDI was intended to increase its stake in JOLED to 51% but the plan was somehow postponed.