Toshiba Memory is set to expand its 3D NAND flash memory production capability by building a new state-of-the-art fab in Kitakami city in July 2018 in response to the increasing demand of BiCS (Bit Cost Scalable) flash, the industry's first 48-layer 3D flash memory, the Tech News reported on May 23. Toshiba will introduce AI-powered production lines into the new fab with an emphasis on production efficiency and higher yields. Slated for construction completion in 2019 and mass production in 2020, the new fab is built to meet the growing market demand of businesses for data center solid state drives. From April 2018 to March 2019, Toshiba will invest approximately 100 billion Yen (USD913.5 million; USD1 = 109.5 Yen) in this new fab.