SAKAI SIO International Guangzhou, the subsidiary of Foxconn, recently announced that the company's 10.5G production line in Guangzhou for panels and glass substrates is to be completed before the end of the year and slated for mass production in 2019, according to United Daily News on March 26. With a total investment of about 61 billion RMB (USD 9.84 billion; USD 1 = RMB), the new line is expected to churn out 90,000 glass substrates per month and create 92 billion RMB (USD 14.8 billion) production value. Moreover, a Foxconn's taskforce dedicated to 10G panel line construction is to be sent to Wisconsin of the United States, and will start construction plan in two phases, starting this April. With a total of of USD 10 billion to be invested into its Wisconsin's line within the next four years, Foxconn will construct more than ten buildings and one of the assembly plants is expected to begin operations in January, 2019.