Asia Express
Taiwan's Third Round of 4G Spectrum Auction Kicks Off to Generate USD7.8 Billion in Revenue
November 03, 2017

Taiwan's NCC (National Communications Commission) announced on October 31 that the total bidding price reaches NTD 23.8 billion (USD 7.8 billion; USD1 = NTD 30.2), the Economic Daily News reported on November 1. The qualified bidders include five major telecom operators in Taiwan: Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan Mobile, Taiwan Star, Far EasTone Telecoms, and Asia-Pacific Telecom. This is the third round of auction for 4G in Taiwan. The first and second round took place in 2014 and 2015, and generated USD3.9 billion and USD 9.26 billion, respectively. According to the NCC, a total of 150MHz will be auctioned that includes 30MHz and 120MHz covering in 1,800MHz and 2,100MHz frequency bands, respectively. Currently, the 2,100 MHz frequency band is allocated for 3G services and the license is due to expire on December 31, 2018 while the 1,800 frequency is for 4G and 2G services. Unlike in previous auctions, which took for a least one month, the NCC said that the third round auction will be conducted in two new stages and boasts to be faster.