Asia Express
EU-Taiwan Factory of the Future Will Be Launched in September 2017 for 5G
July 14, 2017

The International Division and Smart Network System Institute of III (Institute for Information Industry) have collaborated with leading companies such as ADLINK, Foxconn, Fair Friend Group, National Taiwan University, and University of Surrey, UK to propose “EU-Taiwan Targeted Opening Call” at European Commission Horizon 2020, United Daily News reported on June 22. Under the proposal, the EU-Taiwan will jointly set up the Factory of the Future in Taiwan to serve as a incubation ground for 5G in September this year. In the next 30 months, the parties of both sides will jointly develop 5G technologies catering to the Factory environment and complete field tests and verification for the Factory. Besides, situations such as massive connection, and URLLC (Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communication) that may take place in the Factory will also be addressed.