Reported in January this year, India's Reliance Industries (RIL) has partnered exclusively with Taiwanese Foxconn to manufacture its LYF branded 4G smartphones in India, with an aim to reduce production cost and variation in quality. Recently, RIL has placed an additional order with Foxconn to meet its annual shipment goal of 14 million units in 2017, reported Economic Daily News on April 26. RIL sold nearly 10 million LYF and 4G devices made by Foxconn last year, 70% of which were smartphones. Foxconn also produces RIL's set-top boxes, home automation, and automobile telematics devices and currently has five production bases in India with an annual capacity of 12 million and 13 million smartphones. In the past, aside from Foxconn, Wingtech Communication, Tinno Mobile, CK Telecom, and ZTE were also the other contract makers of LYF smartphones.