Inventec to Invest US$62 Million in Solar Energy Capacity Expansion
June 21, 2016
In response to the Taiwan government's promotion of green energy, Inventec Solar Energy of the Inventec group plans to put NT$2 billion (US$62 million, US$1=NT$32.2) into its expansion of solar energy this year, reported Economy News on June 21. In spite of the fact that Taiwan's solar energy shipment value is second to Mainland China and accounts for around 20% of the world's total, the amount of solar energy installation locally in Taiwan is far behind Japan, China, the United States, India, and Chile. To catch up with other countries, Inventec Solar Energy's capacity will expand to 1.6GW and is expected to continue going up this year, said the company. The company projected that revenue from solar energy will hit around NT$20 billion (US$620 million) and NT$27 billion (US$837 million) in 2016 and 2017, respectively, and is on track to reach NT$30 billion (US$1 billion) in 2018.