Asia Express
Taiwan's Shipment Value of IoT Products to Reach US$14 Billion by 2020: MOEA
April 25, 2016

To accelerate the development of home-brew IoT (Internet of Things) core technologies in Taiwan, MOEA (Ministry of Economic Affairs) plans to deliver an IoT open platform and drive up the shipment value of IoT related products to US$14 billion by 2020, reported the Commercial Times on April 22. Suffering from lack of large SIs (System Integrator), open platforms, and proprietary core technologies, Taiwanese vendors have lagged behind international peers in IoT deployment. For this reason, MOEA has targeted on six aspects to develop home-brew IoT technologies, i.e. high-end integrated sensors, 5G access technology, IoT cloud service platforms, AI (Artificial Intelligence) application, big data analytics, and other IoT applications. The goal is to incubate around 150 IoT startups, develop over 10 IoT core technologies, and bring about annual shipment value of US$14 billion by 2020, said MOEA.