Asia Express
XPEC Entertainment Buys into China's Mobile Game Market
June 16, 2015

Taiwan-based game developer XPEC Entertainment has received a green light from regulatory authorities to acquire Tongbu Technology Ltd. for 1.7 billion RMB (US$27 million; US$1=6.21 RMB)—the biggest cross-strait investment in Chinese gaming industry, reported Economic Daily News on June 16. By acquiring Tongbu Technology Ltd., XPEC Entertainment will have full access to Xiamen Tongbu Network, a local game distributor and mobile equipment management platform in China. Tongbu Network currently has 100 million subscribers and over two million active game players per month, with over 1,500 games distributed via the platform. Prior to the deal, XPEC Entertainment acquired Tiny Piece, a mobile apps developer, for US$96.4 million in September 2014.