Asia Express
UMC to Spend US$294 Million on 28-nm Capacity Expansion
December 25, 2014

UMC (United Microelectronics Corp.) board has approved capital expenditure of NT$9.4 billion (US$294 million; US$1 = NT$31.724) to increase its 28-nm capacity at Fab 12A in Tainan, Taiwan, reported China Times on December 25. As the foundry's production yield of 28-nm process technology has now exceeded 90%, UMC expects to ramp up its capacity to 20,000 12-inch wafers per month by mid-2015. In addition, UMC announced the sale of 6-inch wafer fab facility and equipment to Wavetek for NT$440 million (US$13.87 million). Regarding UMC's 8-inch capacity, since the chipmaker has been running in full capacity this year, it plans to expand investments in Hejian Technology—its fab venture in China, aiming to raise capacity to 180,000 8-inch wafers per quarter, up from 140,000 at present.