Asia Express
CHT Launches Taiwan's First 4G Commercial Services
May 30, 2014

Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) has switched on its 4G LTE (Long-Term Evolution) network using 15 MHz block in the 1800 MHz spectrum in Taiwan on May 29, a month earlier than its original launch schedule, reported Taiwan's United Daily News. Eight tariffs starting from NT$236 (US$7.87; US$1=NT$29.98) to NT$2,236 (US$74.58) will be provided without any flat-rate plan. CHT was awarded a total of 35 MHz in bandwidth in the 4G license auction last year, 10 MHz in 900 MHz and 25 MHz in 1800 MHz. The company said that its combined territory coverage of 3G and 4G networks has reached 98% of the island and it expects to sign up 400,000 4G subscribers by end-2014.