Patent Applications of the Flexible Wearable Computer Industry, 1Q 2014
May 21, 2014 / Eddie Han
12 Page, Statistics Report
US$1,350 (Single User License)


This research report presents the recent quarter review of the patent applications in the flexible wearable computer industry. The report, which is based on the survey of USPTO database, includes patent application volume—both overall and by assignee country, assignee rankings, IPC rankings, and USPC rankings. The report finds that the industry's patent applications totaled 336 in the first quarter of 2014, up 41.2% year on year. A breakdown by assignee country reveals that Korea, Japan, Canada, and Finland all saw considerable growth in patent applications in this quarter. Rankings by the IPC classification show that the mainstream application of flexible wearable computers will be the collection of biological information for healthcare purposes.
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