1.Key Issues
1.1 IC Design
1.1.1 Competition in the Smartphone IC Market Becomes More Intense as Huawei Ban Continues
1.1.2 Chipmakers Raise Prices as Supply-Demand Imbalance Persists
1.2 Semiconductor Manufacturing
1.2.1 Low IC Capacity Results in Crowding Out Effect
1.2.2 Global Governments Stepping in to Boost Capacity for Automotive ICs
1.3 OSAT
1.3.1 Wire Bonding Demand Surges as the Automotive IC Market Recovers
1.3.2 OSAT Companies Continues to Delay Lead-Times Due to Material Shortages
2.Industry Outlook
2.1 IC Design
2.1.1 Smartphone IC Momentum in Regional Markets Still Exists Despite COVID-19 Impact
2.1.2 Revenue Growth Depends on Production Capacity But COVID-19 Remains an Issue
2.2 Semiconductor Manufacturing
2.2.1 Crowding Out Effect Affects End Product Shipments While Unexpected Events Worsen the Situation
2.2.2 Advanced Process Nodes are an Apple to the Eye of Foundries with More Capacity Expansion Plans
2.3 OSAT
2.3.1 Increased Capacity and Prices Drive Revenue Growth
2.3.2 Poor COVID-19 Prevention Measures for Migrating Workers Affects OSAT Production Capacity and Supply
List of Companies