1. Overview of the Worldwide and Taiwanese Wafer Foundry Industries
1.1 Worldwide Wafer Foundry Industry Growing at a Steady Pace in 2017
1.2 Taiwanese Wafer Foundry Industry Still Outperforms the Global in 2016
1.3 Taiwanese Foundries Lead in Market Share
2. Development Trends of the Worldwide Wafer Foundry Industry
2.1 Chinese Foundries Have Aggressive Capex Increase Plans
2.2 Major Foundries Seeking to Get a Head Start in Advanced Processes
2.3 Rising Importance of the Chinese Foundry Market to Lure More Foreign Investments
2.4 China's Share in Advanced Processes Remains Low
3. Development of Leading Vendors
3.1 TSMC
3.2 GlobalFoundries
3.3 UMC
3.4 Samsung
3.5 SMIC
4. Conclusion
4.1 Diversification of Processes Aims to Tap Different Needs
4.2 Surplus Capacity Concerns to Occur
Glossary of Terms
List of Companies