Research Reports
Worldwide Major Mobile Phone Vendor Performance, 1Q 2013
March 05, 2013 / Edward Lin
20 Page, Statistics Report
US$1,200 (Single User License)


This research report presents worldwide mobile phone shipment volume forecast and recent quarter review of major mobile phone vendor performance. The report includes major vendors' shipment volume, shipment growth trends, shipment revenue and revenue growth trends, operating profit margin and ASP, along with analyst insights. The report finds that worldwide mobile phone shipment volume continued to grow steadily in 2012, nearly topping 700 million units and enjoying a 10.4% year-on-year growth. Smartphones' share of the worldwide mobile phone shipment volume continued on the rise to around 44% in 2012. It is forecasted that worldwide mobile phone shipment volume growth will slow in the first quarter of 2013 owing to the off-season effect and the delayed purchase in anticipation of several flagship models slated for launch by several branded vendors in the first quarter of 2013.
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