The Taiwanese Tablet Industry and Tablet Application IC Market, 2H 2011 Recap and 1H 2012 Forecast
December 30, 2011 / Yaru Shih
16 Page, Topical Report
US$1,280 (Single User License)


Brand vendors from different industry segments have begun earmarking their investments for tablet products since 2011. In the first quarter of 2011, the Apple iPad 2 remained mainstream product and several tablet brands followed suits in the second quarter to launch their respective tablet products. Driven by branded vendors' aggressive moves, the Taiwanese tablet industry's shipment volume is anticipated to be further spurred in 2012. This report provides insight into the development trends of the Taiwanese tablet industry as well as the corresponding application IC market volume such as application processors and wireless communications ICs in late 2011 and beyond.
  •  Table of Contents
  •  List of Figures
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