Worldwide Server Market Outlook, 2H 2009 and Beyond
August 24, 2009 / Patrick Tung
11 Page, Topical Report
US$1,560 (Single User License)


The global IT industry continued to be plagued by the economic turmoil in the first half of 2009 and the server industry was no exception. Although having seen market volume and vale declines in the first half, the server market has begun to show signs of slow recovery due to the launch of x86 server processors and product features of slim design, energy saving, and low price tags. Driven by issues including virtualization, green IT, and cloud computing, it is projected that the trend of integration will play an even more important role in the development of the global server market in the second half. This report analyzes the development trends of the global server market in the second half of 2009 and beyond, profiling the current status of new server products and technologies.
  •  Table of Contents
  •  List of Topics
  •  List of Figures
  •  List of Tables
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