Scenario Forecasts for the Worldwide and Taiwanese Bluetooth Industries, 2009 – 2013
December 26, 2008 / Yi-Chuan Huang
9 Page, Symposium
US$1,720 (Single User License)


According to MIC's optimistic-scenario forecasts, worldwide Bluetooth shipment value is expected to reach NT$111.0 billion (US$3.4 billion; US$1=NT$33.04) by 2013; shipment value of the Taiwanese Bluetooth industry is expected to reach NT$24.0 billion (US$0.7 billion) by 2013. According to MIC's conservative-scenario forecasts, worldwide Bluetooth shipment value is expected to reach NT$88.8 billion (US$2.7 billion) by 2013; shipment value of the Taiwanese Bluetooth industry is expected to reach NT$19.8 billion (US$0.6 billion) by 2013.
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