The Chinese Mobile Phone Industry, 2004 and Beyond
March 29, 2005 / Feng Lin
22 Page, Statistics Report
US$1,120 (Single User License)


In the fourth quarter of 2004, market demand rose due to October holidays in China and seasonal effects in the US and European markets. China Unicom's year-end promotions for CDMA offerings were also in full swing. However, handset players kept shipment scale in check to avoid further inventory pile-ups. Chinese industry shipments therefore reached 67.3 million units in the fourth quarter, only growing 6% year-on-year. Also affecting China's competitive climate were increased shipments among Taiwanese makers, weaker demand for PAS handsets, and China Unicom's bundling strategy. In 2005, handset shipments are expected to rise again as mobile phone players all look to further expand handset production in China. 
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