Chinese Yingli Solar recently announced that the company was selected for the Gold Sun Program initiated by the Chinese government, under which the company will supply more than 1 GW (Gigawatt) of solar photovoltaic products for the entire 2011, the China Knowledge news reported. Yingli Solar is projected to increase its production capacity to 1.7GW by year-end 2011, with more production capacity expected to be generated from its two new plants in Baoding (Hebei Province) and Hainan Province. Of the total 272MW photovoltaic projects under the Gold Sun Program in China, Yingli Solar is expected to secure a lion's share of around 70%, according to the same source. In addition, China is anticipated to increase the domestic photovoltaic power capacities to approximately 1,000 MW after 2012, the AsiaPulse via COMTEX reported on December 6. A total of 16 solar module suppliers entered the bidding process and only three won the bids, including Yingli Solar, Shanghai Solar Energy Science & Technology and Hareon Solar Technology.
Meanwhile, Korean SKC Solmics recently announced that the company will spend 25 billion Won (US$22 million; US$1 = 1,135 Won) to double its photovoltaic production facility located in Pyeongtaek, the Maeil Business Newspaper reported on December 7. SKC Solmics is projected to increase production capacity at its Pyeongtaek plant to 120MW by October 2011, which is more than four times that of generated in 2009. In addition, company's board of directors also approved its plan to increase the ingot grower facilities by 60MW, according to the same source. Earlier in November, SKC Solmics entered into an agreement to supply ingot to Shinsung Holdings over the next two years and to Samsung Electronics over one year, with worth of 42 billion Won (US$37.0 million) and 18 billion Won (US$15.9 million), respectively.