Samsung to Launch YouTube-enabled LCD TV
April 11, 2008
Samsung and Internet video hosting service provider YouTube plan to join hands on the commercialization of LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) TVs equipped with IPTV (Internet Protocol TV) functions and enhanced with direct access to the UCC (User-Created Content) available on YouTube, The Korea Times reported.
The first YouTube-enabled LCD TV to be launched by Samsung is the 52-inch Pavv Bordeaux 750, which leverages advanced SoC (System on Chip) technology as well as InfoLink RSS (Rich Site Summary) feature and WiseLink USB (Universal Serial Bus) 2.0 interface. The Pavv Bordeaux 750 is slated to hit the market in late April 2008, with an estimated price tag of five million Won (US$5,130; US$1=947.5 Won), according to the same report.
Aside from YouTube, Samsung has also teamed up with Korean Internet portal service provider Naver to launch another LCD TV Pavv Bordeaux 670, which enables users to view real-time Internet content, including weather forecasts, news, and stock quotes, on the screen.