Taiwan to Set up World's First WiMAX Application Lab in late 2007
October 26, 2007
At WiMAX Forum Taipei Showcase and WiMAX Forum conference held from October 22 to 26, 2007, the WiMAX Forum announced the plan to open the industry's first WiMAX application lab in Hsinchu, Taiwan, named MTWAL (M-Taiwan WiMAX Application Lab).
According to United Daily News, there will initially be eight participants participating in this project, including Korea-based IntraMobile, Israel-based NDS Group, Taiwan-based Chunghwa Telecom, CTV (China Television), NCTU (National Chiao Tung University), NTHU (National Tsing Hua University), NCNU (National ChiNan University), and Gogorock. WiMAX Forum members are allowed to join in the project in the second phase.
Endorsed by WiMAX Forum and led by Taiwan's ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute), this new lab will serve as a platform for developers all over the world to develop and test new WiMAX applications, such as VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), United Daily News reported, citing President of the WiMAX Forum Ron Resnick.