Asia Express
August 31, 2007
- According to Sina News, Shanghai-based Spreadtrum Communications announced on August 29 that it will form a strategic alliance with ZTE Communications. Under the alliance, the two companies will jointly develop TD-SCDMA products and seek to enhance the TD-SCDMA system and terminal solutions.

- According to Chinese Sohu News, Symbian, a joint venture set up by Psion, Ericsson, Motorola, Matsushita and Nokia, announced on August 28 that it will open a new R&D center - its fourth worldwide - in Beijing, China. In addition, Symbian announced seven new Chinese participants in the Symbian Platinum Program, including Aspire, Intromobile, Leadtone Wireless, Beijing Netqin, Tencent, Simlife Science and Technology, and Shenzhen Temobi.


- According to China Business News, TD Tech and Datang Mobile-Alcatel Shanghai Bell evenly shared the tender for China Telecom's TD-SCDMA capacity expansion project. The expansion project is being carried out in Baoding, northern China, and the contract is valued at 47 million RMB (US$6.2 million; US$1 = 7.5 RMB) and 85 million RMB (US$11.3 million) for the first and second phases of the construction respectively, according to the same report. China Telecom plans to add approximately 100 base stations in the second phase, so as to offer full TD-SCDMA coverage throughout Baoding city.